Weight Loss Tips in Your Inbox
Weight Loss Tips in Your Inbox
Learn How to Balance Your Hormones and Return Your Body Back to It’s Primal State
Learn How to Balance Your Hormones and Return Your Body Back to It’s Primal State
How many diet and exercise programs do we need to go through before we realize that we have been misled?
We don’t have garbage genetics that lock us into being fat for the rest of our lives.
There are lots of industries that make billions of dollars off our weight gain and aren’t incentivized monetarily when we have the knowledge to be thin and healthy.
Naturally thin & healthy people don’t go for liposuction, take weight loss pills, or go on dangerous diets. We are told that they just have faster metabolisms. New research shows that metabolism isn’t the cause of weight loss/gain either.
When you eat correctly you feel satisfied, full of energy, not lethargic and hungry all the time. Your hormones are what regulates all of these feelings.
How many times have you lost some weight only to look back and realize it didn’t work long term and you have to start again from square one?
Literally every nationalized weight loss program has gone belly up and filed bankruptcy at some point, including Dr. Atkins. Now the latest fad is the Keto diet which seems that it too, will soon lead people right back to square one.
Most weight loss programs are misleading just trying to sell us meal plans, pills, medical treatments or supplements. After pursuing them we get to a point when the weight stops dropping, yet the belly fat is still there. Naturally we get exhausted from trying and not getting results so we let go of them. Months or years later when we return to the scale we realize we have gained all the weight back and more. We blame ourselves for having let go and start the process all over again.
Rob Zian The Weight Loss King is an educational program designed with the specific goal of educating you about what is the root cause of gaining and losing weight. Imagine a solution that puts this misery to a final end once and for all. You learn to eat the correct way, how nature intended you to eat. You will also feel strong and full of energy, the way nature intended you to feel. The scale will become your new best friend as it will give you the results you want consistently, without plateaus.
What If I Can Show You Proof That Calories In/Out Programs Were Actually Working Against You?
What If I Can Show You Proof That Calories In/Out Programs Were Actually Working Against You?
Weight Loss Tips in Your Inbox
We don’t see wild animals that are fat and lethargic. That is because nature didn’t design them that way. Guess What? You weren’t designed that way either. We were just misled by profit driven industries who are rewarded off our misery. Whether it was intentional or not is irrelevant to our goals.
I personally have been dealing with the endless cycles of gaining weight, getting on some diet and exercise program, losing some weight, then gaining it all back. In this specific situation we tend to blame ourselves by saying things like, “I let go of myself”, or “I just didn’t follow through”.
What if there was more at play? What if I showed you scientifically backed evidence to prove to you that there were other major factors involved.
Have you ever imagined that you too can be like those “skinny people” that never deal with gaining weight?
The only difference between the skinny people is that they eat correctly(maybe even by accident) and you don’t.
At Rob Zian The Weight Loss King, I will personally show you those major factors and teach you how you can regain control of your health and put an end to this misery for the rest of your life.
This won’t be some meal program or exercise regimen that you have been sold before. This in fact may make you realize that exercise isn’t a necessary part of weight loss at all.
What if Exercise Didn’t Play as Much of a Role in Weight Loss as You May Have Thought?
What if Exercise Didn’t Play as Much of a Role in Weight Loss as You May Have Thought?
Weight Loss Tips in Your Inbox
Although exercise will benefit your health it is not the solution for weight loss. I know from first hand experience that I have been on workout routines involving circuit training that summed up to be just another plateau on the scale that I couldn’t break through.
No matter how much I “shocked” the body. 1-2 hour high intensity interval training 3-4 times a week, while maintaining a meal program, and my weight still wouldn’t drop after the initial weight loss.
I have taken several weight loss supplements that were completely useless.
For some of you, obesity has gotten so out of control that the medical professionals start suggesting very high risk surgeries.
For over 25 years I have struggled with my weight going up and down and never really understanding the root cause.
Being as stubborn as I am, I never wanted to accept the fact that it couldn’t be changed. I come from a family of diabetes and obesity and have always refused to allow that to be a part of my mindset in my weight loss journey.
In recent years I have come across scientific research that has left me in shock about my perception towards the entire journey. After relentlessly studying and learning more about what the root causes of my weight gain were, I became astonished to find out I was on the wrong path. I felt angry that I had been misled by the people I trusted to help me lose weight. The good news is, I found the solution.
I had always focused all my attention on diet and exercise and after some successes I always found myself overweight again. I quickly learned that I wasn’t alone and that millions of people were struggling with this same thing.
My new mission in life is to heal this wound for everyone. I promise to blow your mind and guide you to a point where you completely regain control over your health and weight.